You will receive a digital download that includes: 3 V3.3 Vapor Blast Gun Bodies 5mm Air Jet, 4mm Air Jet, 3.5mm Air Jet, and 3mm Air Jet, Big Collar, 8mm, 9mm,10mm tips, and future design improvements at no additional cost.
The new flow path improves efficiency
Threaded male entries accept female garden hose ends that can be purchased at your local home improvement store or pick up the complete hardware kit on Amazon in The USA (linked below).
You will need a 24mm O.D. x 18mm I.D. x 3mm C.S. O-Ring (not included but linked below) to seal the tip into the bore once the collar is cinched down.
The o-rings or complete hardware kit below are available on Amazon and confirmed to fit the V3.3 Vapor Blast Guns:
Complete V3.3 Hardware Kit (including one o-ring):